Click for a PDF copy of this policy
Click for the Procedure that implements Policy 3.6.
Part 1. Code of Student Conduct Purpose
Each student at Rochester Community and Technical College (正规赌博十大网站) has the right to an education, and it is the responsibility of the College to provide an environment that promotes learning. Any action by a student that interferes with the education of any other student or interferes with the operations of the College in carrying out its responsibility to provide an education will be considered a violation of this code. Student conduct proceedings will be handled in an expeditious manner while providing due process.
Annually, and upon amendment, the College shall notify students of the availability and location of the student code of conduct. A copy of the Code of Student Conduct is available at appropriate locations on campus and on the College website.
Part 2. Jurisdiction
- The Code of Student Conduct applies to any violations that occur on College premises. In addition, the College may hold students accountable for violations of the Code of Student Conduct that occur off campus when hazing is involved.
- The violation is committed while participating in a College sanctioned or sponsored activity.
- The victim of the violation is a member the College community.
- The violation constitutes a felony under state or federal law.
- The violation adversely affects the educational, research, or service functions of the College.
The College has the right to take necessary and appropriate action to support and protect the safety and well-being of the College community. 正规赌博十大网站 students are expected to abide by local, state and federal laws and College rules. Should the violation of civil or criminal law involve College interests, the College has the right to proceed with disciplinary action without regard to civil or criminal proceedings.
Allegations of discrimination, harassment, and sexual violence shall be resolved pursuant to Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Policy 1B.1, Nondiscrimination in Employment and Education Opportunity, Procedure 1B.1.1, Report/Complaint of Discrimination/Harassment Investigation and Resolution, Policy 1B.3, Sexual Violence Policy, Procedure 1B.3.1, Sexual Violence Procedure.
Part 3. Appeal
Students found to be responsible for a conduct violation will be provided an avenue of appeal within the College. In addition, in cases involving suspension for ten (10) days or longer, students will be informed of their right to a contested case hearing under Minnesota Statute Chapter 14.
Part. 4. Procedures
The College has established the procedure to implement this policy within College Procedure 3.6.1
Date of Implementation: Immediate
Date of Adoption: 2/28/17
Date of Revisions: 2/22/22